
The Saint Gianna Molla Guild of Northeast Wisconsin

As physicians seek to practice medicine informed by their Catholic faith and within an ethos that respects human life from conception to natural death, it is critically important to have the support of like-minded colleagues to encourage one another as witnesses in a culture so in need of healing and wholeness. The St. Gianna Molla Medical Guild  provides venues and collegiality that inspires all those in the profession of healing to aspire to allow Christ, as the true healer, to reign within the noble art and science of medicine.

Michelle Lopez MD

Family Medicine, Neenah, WI

In a secular world, practicing medicine presents challenging affairs on a daily basis. It is so helpful to have a forum for faithful Catholic physicians to share and grow, discussing ethical challenges from a Catholic perspective.

- Matt Bettag MD

Otolaryngology, Appleton, WI

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